Grueling days at sea
Taking a trek of life and death
Sailing for a real future
No food no water
Cramped in a too small space
Fraught with hardship and danger
During 1978-1981
Over one million VIETNAMESE
Escaped by way of sea
Typhoon could sink us
But pirates, robbed, raped and murdered
An old man’s gold teeth
Ripped out of the mouth with pliers
A woman’s baby was thrown into the sea
A girl taken on board a fishing boat
Repeatedly raped and thrown overboard
Women and children transferred to the boats
One by one staying back
Clubbed to death and the boat rammed to sink
A myriad of extreme cruelties and brutalities
Proving the absence of culture and humanity
On Earth TODAY
Just in the November of 1983
The nearly 500 women
Officially reported to be kidnapped
In arriving in Thailand
Impossible past to forget
Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines
Hong Kong, and Indonesia
For thousands even more
Ended their journeys in death
Their bodies scattered on the sea floor
In the vast expanses of South Pacific
For ten years of tireless work
In Westminster California
A memorial to the BOAT PEOPLE
With 54 blocks of stone engraved
With the names of over 6000 deceased people
Having no solid ground to rest
The first until now
To commemorate their lives
The souls dot the coasts of all oceans
The grandest of all the sepulchers
Mortal in the minds of men
Eternally leading to the truth
By a group a secret plan
Conspired to commit
A crime against humanity
In subterfuge of every word
Heard in the news
In giving a long, loud and piercing cry you can can express excitement, pain or great emotion. The best used verb is scream for man and screech for animal. In terror its synonym is shriek. For example, some specific collocations should learned by heart as shrieks of fright, screams of pain, screeches of torture. This sound turns out a noise of high pitch and the verb squeal as the kids are squealing with delight. The noise could be unrestrained and the replaced verb is bawl and often used in case of weeping noisily. Such a noise can be also seen in a baby for instance in a crib and its best synonym is squall. This verb has its exciting synonym “blubber” to denote squalling with pouted lips.
This noise goes discordant and the verb in case is squawk as the kids are squawking him for candies due to a broken promise. In agony the appropriate term holler as he howled in agony, witnessing his betrayal to their clan plot. But, he could holler in deep cry and the verb in replacement is bellow. This type of emotion could be taking place in an interrupted way and the best used verb is hoot.
In grief it is wail as she ran off wailing after failure. In sorrow the verb can be howl as he howled after knowing nothing possibly done in such a situation. In alarming its synonym is yelp as she yelped in getting in in hurry. In surprise we can use yell as you could hear me yelling at him. In great joy the verb “whoop” is more often used for its concise meaning as they were at once running into whooping with laughter. Another looks so delicate in usage is yammer to denote a sustained or repetitive noise as they were yammering about censorship when reading the news.