Buck private is used to stress the meaning of the lowest rank in the U.S marines or Army. A person’s military life could be first enlisted as a buck private and rising through the ranks to become a general. When you read a newspaper, numerous large inserts are being often seen in the page news. These buck slips can bring the main source of income to the publisher. In investment a huge outcome can come from the least input and you have banged for the buck.

Returning to the origin of this word, we see its first use coming about when a deerskin is a medium of exchange. A hundreds year later it hasn’t been no longer a significant unit of exchange but shifted to a more general reference to dollar. In its commonplace usage it appears in “buck up” to mean “accidentally meet someone”. We remember that Buck is the name of a boy. Parents tend to have this name for the son of powerful personality to become a leader not a follower. You also heard the term “cull buck”, meant to be inferior or inadequate.This meaning reminds the ranch area when ranch managers and hunters want to know which bucks should be culled to improve herd quality.

A person accepted personal responsibility for the way he took and was said not to pass the buck to someone else. This man could be really stronger in integrity to say that the buck stops here!. He will take no more excuse and is going to take responsibility rather than passing it to higher authorities. A quick buck means an easily earned profit as it has the same meaning in you can make a fast buck or you can make money with little effort or in a short time. Oppositely you make an honest buck because you want to earn money in a legal way. With much money you feel like a million bucks. Money helps you have a robust health! Some day you found your situation has developed in an extraordinary way in finance. You were alert at it and it has bucked the trend – it has been growing against its normal way; and ask your utmost notice to deal with a way out. The last context clearly shows the exciting usage of this word. Bang for the buck did you appraise something worth its real value based on the actual outcome.


1. In “Neil bucked at dinner”, “buck” means:

a. The act of fighting

b. The act of beating

c. The act of shunning

d. The act of shifting

2. In “We have dine-out tonight. I buck.”, “buck” means:

a. Disinform

b. Discourage

c. Disagree

d. Distend

3. In “I met a new young buck.”, “buck” means:

a. Young black man

b. Young white man

c. Young blonde girl

d. Young Turk boy

4. In “Last night I shot a buck.”, “buck” means:

a. A male horse

b. A male goat

c. A male deer

d. A male cow

5. In “his CD disk cost 100 bucks.”, “buck” means:

a. Money

b. Dough

c. Cash

d. All are correct

6. In “He gets his buck tooth pulled out.”, “buck” means”

a. The upper tooth that projects out of the lower lip

b. The upper tooth that projects across the lower lip

c. The upper tooth that projects over the lower lip

d. The upper tooth that projects inside the lower lip

7. In “I have to buck up the team before the final match.”, “buck up” means”

a. Get encouraged

b. Get engaged

c. Get entangled

d. Get ensured

8. In “He was in a bing and tried to make a quick buck.”, “buck” means”

a. Make money with much effort

b. Make money with great effort

c. Make money with huge effort

d. Make money with little effort

9. In “You can buck the trend to face to the dismal earnings.”, “buck the trend” means:

a. Take the extraordinary measure

b. Take the best measure

c. Take the highest

d. Take the well-done measue

10. In “The kid feels like a million bucks upon being allowed to go home.”,”feel like a million bucks” means”

a. Feel extremely doubtful

b. Feel extremely anxious

c. Feel extremely joyful

d. Feel extremely happy

11. In “Most of hunters had to go with a buck fever at first sight game.”, “buck fever” means””

a. Nervousness felt by a novice

b. Nervousness felt by a big shot

c. Nervousness felt by a big hand

d. Nervousness felt by a big star

12. In “As a buck private he wants to live through life in spite of coming from a wealthy family.”, “buck private” means”:

a. The lowest army rank

b.The highest army rank

c. The lowest army rate

d. The highest army ratio

13. In “His awkward attitude showed him to pass the buck.”. “pass the buck” means”

a. Avoid responsibility

b. Evade responsibility

c. Cancel responsibility

d. All are correct

14. In “He tried to buck for promotion.”, “buck for” means”

a. Strive with no regard to ethical behavior

b. Strive with regard to ethical behavior

c. Strive with regard to material benefit

d. Strive with no regard to material benefit

15. In “Last night he had a chick in the buck.”, “in the buck” means:

a. In a particular game

b. In a particular area

c. In a particular country

d. In a particular sex

16. In “How much bang for the buck did you gain after this good deal?”, “buck” means”

a. Worth its essence

b. worth its value

c. Worth its publicity

d. Worth its performance

ANSWERS: 1. a 2. c 3. a 4. c 5. d 6.a 7. a 8. d 9.a 10. d 11. a 12. a 13. d 14. a 15. d 16. b



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